On-Campus Workday


9:00 a.m. || 10:30 a.m.

 April 06, 2024

 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

 2923 Ashton Rd Sarasota, FL 34231

 Hey, Sarasota Christian Church Family!

We need your help. In connection with our On Purpose Project, we will have a campus workday on Saturday, April 6th, starting at 9 AM. We need to empty our old garage completely so that it can be torn down, along with some work that is needed in the OP (old parsonage) to prep it to be our new primary storage facility. It’s a big job, but in this situation, many hands will truly make light work.

When we first announced it, this workday was looking more like a demolition day. Some of that may still take place, but the majority of the work will be more like moving day, which should make it easier for more of our church family to help. So would you come out and help us? Even if you can’t stay the whole time, your assistance would be so appreciated.

Please RSVP by filling out this form so we have an idea of how many to expect (we’ll provide lunch if it takes us that long).

Plan to bring work gloves, hand trucks, a hat, a mask if you want (it’s a little dusty out there). Thanks ahead of time for helping us tackle this project as a family!
